In teletypewriter applications, the uniform shifting of the beginning of all marking pulses from their proper positions in relation to the beginning of the start pulse. 在电传打字机应用中,所有标记脉冲首部从它们的正常位置相对于启动脉冲首部的均匀位移。
This paper describes the laser marking techniques, compares the features of laser beam controlled marking with the feature of laser mask marking, reports the experiment concludes Nd: YAG pulse laser marks metals. 本文介绍并比较了束控式与投影式两种激光作标法的特点及用Nd:YAG脉冲激光器作投影式激光作标实验所取得的初步结果。
Human-computer interaction is composed by PS/ 2 keyboard as input device and LCD as display device. SD card is used to save files. Linear interpolation algorithm is used to control marking, which make the output pulse smoother. 人机交互设备包括PS/2键盘作为输入设备,LCD作为显示设备;文件存储设备选用SD卡;标记打印控制采用了插补输出脉冲均匀稳定的比较积分算法。